What is a Clinical Trauma Professional?
​Based on 25 years of break-through research, this trauma competency training has revolutionised the way therapists work with trauma survivors and dramatically improve their treatment outcomes.
Internationally renowned trauma experts Eric Gentry, Ph.D., D.A.A.E.T.S., and Robert Rhoton, PsyD, LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S., has trained me step by step through comprehensive training modules:
The History and Evolution of Traumatic Stress, Grief & Loss
Systemic traumatic stress theory and development of the field
Symptoms of traumatic stress
Evidence-based interventions and emerging treatment trends
Instruments to assess traumatic stress
The Tri-Phasic trauma treatment model
The 10 Core Competencies of Trauma, PTSD, Grief & Loss
Biochemical, psychological, social, and spiritual factors that produce anxiety & traumatic stress
Adaptive and maladaptive coping behaviors
The biochemical, affective, and cognitive impacts of traumatic stress
Traumatic stress over time, across and within developmental stages
The role of traumatic stress in clinical disorders, such as personality disorders, dissociative identity disorder and more
Conceptualizing a framework of healing for survivors of traumatic stress
Traumatic stress across the continuum of systemic levels
Assessment of Traumatic Stress Disorders
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the APA & DSM-5® changes
ACE & developmental trauma
Diagnosing PTSD with the PCL-5
Evidence-Based Trauma Treatments & Interventions
Drawing art
Healing metaphors
Transitional objects
Treatment Interventions: Demonstrations, Exercises & Application
Narrative Exposure Therapy Technique
Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
Bilateral Stimulation
More on Effective Treatment Intervention
Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (PE, CPT & SIT)
EMDR & Bilateral Stimulation
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
Desensitization, Integration & Closure
Trauma memory processing
Graphic timeline
Closure: lessons learned
Theories of Traumatic Stress, Loss and Grief & Disorders
Information processing model
Psychosocial model
Contemporary thoughts
Bereavement and adjustment disorders
Normal and complicated bereavement